
"A mind stretched to a new idea can never go back to its original dimension"

Archive for January 2007

Not gray, but ‘silver’ consumers. Not savvy clients, but ‘brand-hore’ traitors

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  • Brand sluts – consumers who flit from one brand to the next with no sense of fidelity to any of them (Salzman). While the connotation is negative, brand sluts are in fact savvy consumers.” [1] (Thanks wordspy.com)

‘Sense of fidelity’. For a brand? Baby, till death move us apart! Let’s get a brand divorce law too.

  • “Businesses are also recognizing that older Americans, with $1.6 trillion to $2.1 trillion in spending power, make up a huge market that’s ripe for picking.” [2] (Thanks again wordspy.com)
  • “The massive demand of the gray sector will constitute an important factor in [buzzord attack] boosting economic growth, the firm forecast. It thus predicted an outstanding [bzzz] growth of the ‘silver’ industry, which caters [bzzz] to the tastes and needs of the elderly.” [3]

We love you and respect your ‘silver’ hair, provided you consume.

[1] Rich Thomaselli, “Trends to watch in 2007,” Advertising Age, December 18, 2006 [2] Bob Moos, “Gerontologists are in demand as older population grows,” The Dallas Morning News, November 18, 2006
[3] “Consumption by elderly seen topping 100 trilion yen in 2000,” Japan Economic Newswire, September 30, 1988

Written by flowingly

January 12, 2007 at 07:32